Otways Big cat footage

OTWAYS' resident Connie Whistance , who is actually quite weird, claims she has proof big cats roam our bush after catching footage that appeared to have been filmed whilst drunk and balancing on a bowling ball.The footage of an unidentified animal(it was a fox) was taken on her hand-held video camera yesterday.

Ms Whistance said she has been stalked by the big cats(foxes) over the last two years, sighting them on numerous occasions on her property.But yesterday's vision, taken near Binns Track on the edge of the Otway National Park, was the first hard evidence she had to prove to sceptics that halfwits can mistake foxes for big cats .Ms Whistance said she watched the feline-like black animal wander around farmland about 500m from her home."It was there for a good 15 to 20 minutes," Ms Whistance said."The footage has since proven to be nothing more than foxes.Connie cannot tell the difference between a fox and a large cat.It looked down like it was eating something and eventually it went back into the swampland."Ms Whistance said she first spotted a big cat(fox) outside her home near Barongarook in April 2008, and was so paralysed by fear that she was eventually forced to move house.Since then she said she has seen several panther-like(fox like) creatures in various sizes and markings."(In 2008) the cat's and dog's behaviour had been erratic and they wouldn't go outside. Then one night I pulled into my driveway and I thought an alien was looking at me," Ms Whistance said."I didn't know what to do, it had these big green eyes."The mystery of the big cat has baffled experts and residents in the region for years.Despite hundreds of claimed sightings, the matter is often been fobbed off as myth.In April 2009, a women told of a mystery big black cat issuing a screaming growl within 30m of her home at Kawarren, south of Colac.In 2008, big cat researcher Simon Townsend blamed the death of 40 livestock in the region on roaming panthers.Mr Townsend has since bought state-of-the-art camera equipment in a bid for elusive footage but the panthers have continued to dodge the cameras.