It's official - the phantom big black cat is back

Other people do all the hard yards, and the paper decides to interview Rex Gilroy, who had nothing to do with the investigations or the reports to the NSW govt.
And Rex has had nothing to do with the  big cat data base that is used by the New South Wales govt...but who cares right..
Cryptozoologist Rex Gilroy said there was significant evidence of a "marsupial cat" population in NSW, and it is about time it was classified. "We need to identify the creature, and know its habits. There are populations of this marsupial species all over Australia. The government should pay for an investigation,'' Mr Gilroy said."

Its a mammal..felids are mammals..99% of the reports describe a CAT/FELID not a weird looking mammal.
Rex is obsessed with Thylacoleo carnifex.
The plaster cast on the page is  canid spoor...Rex probably says its a Thylacoleo carnifex